This morning we had our last cooked breakfast for a while. We are not likely to make ourselves egg and bacon, I'm afraid. We will miss the camaraderie round the table at the Inn - this is the breakfast table, where we sit and eat our eggs and bacon, and where we sometimes eat our supper, if the other table near the fridge and microwave is full.

We said goodbye to everybody - though we will be back again for a week and a half in early March. We will also miss Gapode the wonder dog!

The other dog, Angua, is harder to photograph, she won't stand still. I only have one photo of her, and she decided to shake herself just as I clicked the shutter, so the photo is all streaky. I'll try again when we go back.
Clearing the snow from around your property is quite a chore in Breckenridge, when there's this much of it. It soon becomes hard packed and icy, and you need a thing not unlike a hammer drill to break it up into chunks.

Then you need a big shovel to sweep it all together

and the little tractor with the snowplough on the front to push it all out to the kerb. You do this in time for street cleaning, then the big snowplough sweeps it up while clearing the pavements (sidewalks) and gutters and it is taken away in a big truck and dumped in meadows down the valley. The dredgers dredging the river for gold and silver in the 19th and 20th centuries left huge sterile areas, which are now used for dumping the town's snow. It all melts in the summer and it's already in the river valley, all ready to flow away.
I didn't ski today because my knees were too painful. Paul went out on his own once we were organised to leave, and had a good time, meeting some of the instructors and skiing with them. He couldn't stay long though, as he had to be back by 2.30 so a taxi could pick us up at 3 to go to Copper Mountain. We arrived at 4, and have a nice studio for 6 days.

It looks lovely because we have just arrived, no doubt we will make an awful mess of it by spreading stuff all over the place. Our breakfast table is neither so large nor so friendly as the one at the Inn

However, it would appear we can ski out of this apartment, and possibly even ski in again.

Knowing my luck, the chair lift you can see will take expert skiers up to impossibly steep slopes, and the slopes I feel I can ski are probably miles away. Paul says he will get maps tomorrow, and we will work out where to go. This photo is a bit gloomy looking because it was nearly 4.30 when I took it and it is getting dark.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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