I'm behind again, just not quite so far. This is a consequence of slaving away in somebody else's house cleaning (again!) and painting and mending - of which, more later.
We have been working so hard recently we have almost forgotten our short holiday in Norfolk and Suffolk, though we are eternally grateful that it was sunny and warm, and not the current torrents of heavy rain.
Our queue to get into Center Parcs was not too long, because we approached it from the north, having lunched a few miles to the north of the entrance. Most people seem to approach the entrance from the south, where the queue stretched for miles.
Once we had found our charming little chalet in the woods

we set off to find our friends' chalet, which was unfortunately a 15 minute walk away. We weren't able to stay and chat with them for long because of needing to go shopping for more food and then be back in our own chalet to receive my son and grandson when they arrived.
Our grandson was delighted with the new house and the sandy soil outside where he could play.

It was absolutely lovely to be able to have all our meals, including breakfast, outside - the weather was really beautiful.
My grandson was also delighted to have his own room, and chose which would be his very own bed. I noticed, when I got up next morning, that he was asleep in the big king sized bed in his parents' room, and my son was next door sleeping in my grandson's tiny bed! I'm not quite sure how that happened.
Next morning, the three old girls - me, my sister and my friend from Belfast - went off to spend the morning in the spa, where we spent a delightful lazy morning sampling every different sort of steam room, the jacuzzi, the water beds and the gardens. The men took my grandson to the pool, sorry, 'Tropical Swimming Paradise' where he had a wonderful time and completely exhausted himself. Once he had had his nap, we went off to spread chaos in my friend's chalet, where he played with all her grandson's toys and fell on the telephone like an old friend - our chalet is not so luxurious and has no telephone. Soon, it was time for my son to go and collect my daughter-in-law from the nearby station - she had been asked at the last minute to help in organising the Bastille Day celebrations at the French School where she teaches, so that interrupted her weekend.
Sunday passed in an orgy of swimming and walking, followed by a joint barbecue with our friends and then next morning it was time to leave. My grandson was sorry to have to say goodbye to all the wildlife. My sister had bought bird food for him to spread about and our patio was always full of ducks and moorhens and squirrels. The birds all brought their babies.

One squirrel was so bold it came into the house and had to be shooed out again - but I didn't manage any photos of that, I was too busy dancing about persuading it to leave to photograph it.
We spent the morning doing more swimming - or, in the case of my grandson, jumping around in the water pretending to be a kangaroo. My son hoped to exhaust him so much he would sleep in the car for much of the way home.
Once we were home on Monday night, there was the laundry orgy, before another very hot journey on Tuesday up to London to spend another day at the flat being prepared for letting. I am sorry to say my scrubbing of the dirty grout between the bathroom tiles was not a success, but other little jobs were more successful.
On Wednesday I was working again - another extremely hot trip, this time to Steveange, which is quite a journey from Oxted. And on Thursday, we were off to Manchester again! It never stops.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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