Friday, 9 June 2017

On Holiday Again

Friday 9th June 2017 

I see I haven't posted anything for 9 months. This isn't because I haven't been anywhere, it's because I seem to have been quite busy and somehow haven't got around to posting anything. So I have a mass of unused photos which I won't have time to use now.

So now I am starting again because I am off on holiday - travelling towards Slovenia by way of France, Belgium and Germany. Later I'll be visiting Croatia, and spending a day in Montenegro.

In the interim when I wasn't posting anything, I see I can no longer use the very wonderful BlogPress, and goodness knows how I will get on using whatever facilities Google offers me. Instructions currently in Flemish will no doubt change to German, which will only make things slightly easier, and by Saturday night I expect they will be in Serbo-Croat which will be quite hopeless.

 Today is the day of three trains - Eurostar to Brussels, on to Cologne, then later to Munich for the night. As we had to check-in very early, we spent the night near Kings Cross and were at St Pancras before 7.30am. Arrival in Munich was 14 hours later!

 I can see that adding photos to this will be trying. After some minutes of waiting, Google looked at my 2014 photos, so I could get very old waiting for it to reach 2017! Below is an experiment to see what I can do by uploading something to Google photos.

This is supposed to be a photo of a beautiful azalea photographed on a walk into Oxted a week ago. I don't feel it has been a very successful experiment!

And then it was a real effort to stop the text being centred!

And it's really difficult to move around in the text, as the iPad has no scroll bar, so I can't edit previous text. I had to borrow the laptop to get as far down as this bit, Now the font size seems to have changed, and even editing the HTML hasn't helped. So I'm starting to think that this blog may not work very well on this holiday.

Google must really have something against iPads!

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