Friday, 12 September 2014

Catching Up 3 - May-June 2014

May - June 2014

May was another busy month, beginning with the angiogram, which was a bit unpleasant. I felt the catheter in my heart, which I found quite worrying, and i disliked the strange procedure after it was over for stopping the bleeding from the groin, with a very peculiar instrument which gets tightly strapped over you to press very hard on the wound. Anyway, at least the angiogram showed that my heart and arteries are both fine so that's not an explanation for my breathlessness. In fact, nobody knows why I get so out of breath, so it was decided that the next step would be a chest X-Ray and a test of my lung capacity.

There was much more work associated with the development where our London apartment is situated, as our new Estate Manager was away until May 12th, so my presence was required again. There is a lot of work in managing 131 flats and 6 staff!

In between all the London development stuff, we also had to do a bit more support of my eldest son and wife as the baby wasn't well. They aren't now moving to Basingstoke as the sale of the house they hoped to buy there fell through - a relief to us as it was further away from us and I was worried they would find it difficult to settle there. Paul has been trying to build in some wardrobes for them, as they don't have much storage space. We've also driven up to my sister's quite often as she has injured her knee and is finding it hard to walk. She spent some time waiting for a hospital appointment which she found quite trying.

The last couple of weeks of the month were even busier. My sister was supposed to be coming here for her birthday dinner, originally planned to be just after her birthday, Friday May 23rd, but it had to be postponed until Saturday; she had been staying with a friend in Oxfordshire and her friend's car broke down so she was marooned in the friend's house until the car could be mended. On Saturday 24th she arrived for the family dinner and so did my eldest son and his wife and baby, with the intention of staying the night. Next day the baby became ill, so the best idea seemed to be that they stayed with us for a few days so they could go up to work from our house and we could look after the baby - the nursery won't have children when they aren't well. My daughter-in-law had started work again earlier in May, so the baby commutes up with them to Waterloo where they have found him a nice nursery.

On the Bank Holiday Monday night, my son drove my sister home when he went to feed their cats, (cats are not allowed in our apartments) and on Tuesday 27th I went up to work in London in the morning and then on to Euston in the afternoon to meet my other daughter-in-law M and my 3 year old grandson who were also coming to stay, so there was a real houseful for some days. Just as well we have 2 spare bedrooms! Paul had to babysit the recovering baby on his own on the Tuesday, as I was gone all day.

Somehow I fitted in a chest X-Ray the following day - my baby grandson charmed everybody in the hospital waiting room. My older son and family went home on the evening of Thursday 29th and on the evening of Friday 30th my sister arrived again. I was too exhausted by then to enjoy everybody, especially as I had developed a persistent cough which stopped me sleeping. Most nights I woke up several times coughing until I retched, which was very trying. On the following Tuesday, June 3rd, my sister went to work and I went up to Euston to accompany M and my grandson as they started their trip home, then in to the London development for more work. On Wednesday I washed and ironed like a maniac, and I spent all of Thursday June 5th in London working again. I was starting to feel like a person on a treadmill!

At least the coughing seemed better, the doctor doubled my medication for the reflux and the coughing mostly stopped during the day. It still woke me up a bit at night, but since I know what it was, I sucked a Rennie and that seemed to stop the extreme coughing followed by retching.

On Friday 6th June, I did absolutely nothing! I sat and watched the D-Day celebrations in Normandy on TV. Well, not quite nothing - I still did all the laundry. But I enjoyed the opportunity to stop running about everywhere. No doubt Paul would have enjoyed it too, but he was doing some house repairs and was so exhausted he went to bed about 8.30.

I'm sorry there are no June photographs to enliven this rather dull text; but I can't quite think when I'd have had time to take a photograph!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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